This is the story of Spunky and Dunky, two rambunctious monkeys from the wilds of Africa who are orphaned when their parents are kidnapped by bandits and sold to a zoo.
Buddy Bear, sitting in his armchair back in Canada reads the headlines and his heart is moved in such a way that he immediately boards a plane for Africa. If he can "save just one monkey, it will be worth it", he reasons.
Thus begins the long journey to Spunky and Dunky's new home in Canada. Things are not always fine sailing. There are strange new sights and sounds in Canada and a whole different way of living. Spunky and Dunky need to learn to be obedient to their new foster parent, never eat something without asking first and never wander off beyond home's boundaries if they are to keep safe in their new environment.
I thought this was a very cute story along the lines of Curious George. There's a lot of fine lessons taught about obedience and safety, also the love that people can share with others even if they're not related by blood.
The illustrations are also really lovely and well done.
*I received a free hardback copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.
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